Marriage Minute with Alan Heller – Financial Harmony

financial harmony
“Financial” refers to the source of provision for the needs of your family. This section includes discussion around your income, learning to be content with what you have, learning how to be abased and to abound, stewardship, budget planning to stay debt-free, a giving plan with which the couple agrees, investing, finding financial harmony within your family, and emergency financial planning.
Welcome to A Marriage Minute with Alan Heller. We’re going to be talking this time about financial harmony and vocational goals.

By this, we’re talking about the source of provision for your needs and your family. That’s your income. Learning to be content with what you have instead of always wanting more, which is the American way.

How to be a good steward of your finances, maybe being debt-free except for a house maybe, and a car. A plan for giving, a plan that you both agree on in terms of giving, of God’s provision for you. Having an attitude of harmony with each other, as you walk through life dealing with your finances.

These are just the parameters, and if you want to get more input on this, just go to our website, and you can get the Triple-R Notebook, which has this in it.

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