Couples should make time to have a romantic candlelight dinner and some fireworks in the bedroom without kids or chores. Over years of Christian couples and life coaching, we have found that a Triple R Weekend will refresh your marriage.
Hi. This is Allen Heller and welcome to A Marriage Minute with Walk & Talk. Paulie and I, over 42 years, have found it really helpful to make plans for the different areas of our life. We call these the seven areas of life – physical, social, financial, marital, parental, raising children, and psychological.
We put together a book called Triple R Weekend – recreation, romance, and renewal. We find getting away once or twice a year to cover these different areas and make plans and goals can really help our relationship, our oneness and the ability to move in life together rather than having two visions, division. We want unity, and so this is what I’ll be going over in the next few weeks. I’ll be going over these seven areas and how you can implement them into your life.
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Note: Below is a transcription of this Walking and Talk Marriage Minute. Please excuse any grammatical or punctuation flaws, as the transcription is a written version of my fluid conversation.
Alan Heller [00:00:05] Hi, I’m Alan Heller, and welcome to a Marriage Minute with Walk and Talk. We’ve been talking about the seven areas of life and what we want you to do is take out of those seven, pick two or three things in each area that you need to work on. And then out of that list, choose one or two areas which you’ll concentrate on this year.
[00:00:26] Be realistic. You know, you can’t do it all in one shot. So the other areas will be there next year. Don’t worry about it. So just try and do one or two specific things that you’re going to work on and get specific things in those areas so that you have a bite-size piece to work on.
[00:00:48] If you want to get the Tripple-R notebook, it’s at our website: And that’ll give you all the questions as well as all the definitions of the seven years of life. I think you’ll enjoy it.