A special guest, Chris Schoenleb, tells his story about his terminal diagnosis of Lou Gehrig's disease and then, his miraculous healing. Come with us on this miraculous journey in this week's podcast.Note: Below is a transcription of this Walking Our Talk podcast....
How to Overcome Your Anxiety
"Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about EVERYTHING." In this week's episode, we talk about something that's burdening more people than ever - anxiety. Anxiety can be overbearing but rather than letting it take over, get some tips from Alan and Pauly about how...
How to Manage Grief During the Holidays
The holidays are not always easy, and this year, more and more people are grieving the loss of a loved one. It's okay to not be okay, but there are ways to navigate during nostalgia-filled holiday times. Listen to this week's podcast for tips on how to get through...
What Fills Your Cup? | Part 2
In last week's podcast, we talked about what fills your cup. But you might also need to ask yourself, what drains your cup? There are often internal and external stresses that cause you to be unhappy or feel down or drained. Learn more about how to fill your cup in...
Dealing with Family Stress During the Holidays
This year, most of us are making adjustments to our usual holiday plans. Maybe there are fewer seats filled at the table or maybe you're at home instead of traveling. Family stress is a normal part of family gatherings, now complicated by COVID-19 restrictions and...
What Fills Your Cup? | Part 1
Is your cup half full or half empty? Rather than asking yourself that question, take some time to figure out ways to fill your cup all the way up. To learn more, listen to this week's podcast where Alan explores ways to fill your cup: mentally, physically, and...
How to Beat Burnout
It’s possible to not burn out at work or n your personal life if you learn to take time for yourself. It’s not always easy, but it’s much better to take a sabbatical when you chose to, rather than when you're forced to. Learn more about how to beat burnout in this...
Memo to the Disorganized
How do you organize your life when your usual schedules are completely rewritten by uncontrolled circumstances - like COVID-19? Journaling can help organize your thoughts, which will translate that organization into your life. For more tips on getting organized,...
How Do You Find Contentment in a COVID-19 World?
Vacations have been canceled, workspaces are turned upside down, kids are schooling from home, through all of this, how do you find contentment? We have some answers in this week’s podcast. + Find more free resources on our website: walkandtalk.love
Helping Others Through the Application of Scripture
In the midst of troubling times, the application of scripture can be a very useful tool for those who are hurting around you. Because we are told that, “all scripture is inspired by God and profitable for reproof, correction, and training in righteousness,” you can help others by applying it at the right moment. Learn how to use the word to bring healing to others in this week’s podcast.
More on the Importance of Praying as a Couple
There’s a reason we are still talking about prayer. In this week’s episode of Walking Our Talk, Alan and Pauly Heller discuss how praying together helps you develop trust that strengthens your bonds of intimacy with each other and with God. Learn more about the...
The Importance of Praying as a Couple
In this week’s episode of Walking Our Talk, Alan and Pauly Heller discuss that prayer is not only talking to God, but it’s also listening to Him. One of the greatest benefits of praying as a couple, is the intimacy involved when we talk to the Lord together. You learn...
Our Identity
This week we dive deep into the issue of identity. We will tackle these ideas: Running away from your identity, is a race you'll never win. God wants you to be yourself. What truly matters about identity?