“Marriage is like making a great batch of cookies. There are many components to the mix but when they are all mixed together in the right proportions it makes a great treat.”
Dear Family and Friends,
Christian counselor Alan Heller and his wife Pauly founded Walk & Talk in 1990, with a mission to help connect people with God and each other. For more than 35 years they have helped leaders at local churches and other ministries regain health in their members’ marriages, co-authoring two books and having written numerous resources to enrich marriages. A wide spectrum of people and organizations have transitioned from dysfunctional to healthy with their coaching on communication and relationship skills.
Alan and Pauly have endured traumatic challenges. As such, they understand what it means to be shocked, depressed and totally overwhelmed. By God’s grace and the wisdom and help of God’s people, they’ve returned to a life of fruitfulness and balance; and they want to share their story with all of us through their teachings about healthy communication in relationships.
Join us at Hope4Life for a 2-day conference with Alan and Pauly Heller: RELATIONSHIPS AND COMMUNICATION, FOR UNDERSTANDING, NOT WINNING on August 8th and 15th at 9 am via Zoom.
Register in advance for this meeting by clicking here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.
Meeting ID# 308-537-814
If you already registered, click here: https://zoom.us/j/308537814
HOPE4LIFE is a Deep Inner Heart Healing Ministry, a safe place for all people who have been or are being affected by emotional pain. Led by Lakhi and Giovanna Dadlani, the Hope4Life team teaches and guides you on how to rebuild your life. We create a strong positive environment and help you live your daily life in emotional and spiritual freedom.
“I will restore the hearts of the parents and the children so that I can bless them.” – Malachi 4:6