Core Values

The Word of God is the foundation, the “plumb line” for all of life and Christian ministry—personal and corporate.
Leaders facing problems often respond with habitually unhealthy attitudes and behaviors which are not supported by Scripture, leading to greater stress and/or sin; responses that reflect Christ’s character and his Word are the remedy.

Effective leaders must have a rigorous, consistent personal devotional life for a healthy, fruitful ministry.
An excessive “performance orientation” in ministry is not an asset; rather, it is an obstacle to knowing Christ and making him known.

Many leaders mask their problems and live in fear of being truly known; they avoid being vulnerable before God and man, thereby forfeiting the treasure of intimacy.
Pain is a part of personal growth; it requires authenticity and trust before God and others—for genuine freedom in Christ, and a ministry that multiplies.
Help for the 7 areas of life
Alan is a catalyst for your own walk with the Lord, offering you counseling services for the following life areas: